Posted by: A Mom w/Fears | April 18, 2008

Playing Catch Up

Everyone in this house has been playing “catch up”, we’ll even be continuing to play “catch up” through the weekend (probably into next week, as well.   What a long week.  

Hubby has probably worked an 80 hour week AGAIN, which makes for extremely long days and nights trying to help his client move and keep his other clients taken care of.   Some of them have had to wait, some of them continue to wait.  I feel terrible, since I can only do so much to help out.  

BabyAm has been studying for End of Course exams like a fiend, and in the process has managed to catch a bug.   Pretty sure it’s a “I’m worn out cold”, and I know it doesn’t help that the weather has no idea what it wants to do.   She’s been so good to watch the boys in the evenings this week so that I could go help Hubby off and on.   What a trooper.  She’s had some awesome revelations lately, check out this one she blogged about on Thursday.

Me, I’ve been trying to accomplish Debate tasks, so that we can get this year wrapped up.   Mrs. Potts and I have been working on getting pictures from Speech and Debate tournaments picked out (and printed), invitations to the banquet sent out, donation requests for the banquet dropped off/faxed etc. and all of that in between taking care of the the other things that have been going on in each of our lives.   Like taking care of our families, house work, friendships, our kids, and our hubby’s.  

I can tell you that this weekend CAN NOT come soon enough.  The weather is supposed to be turning, AGAIN, which doesn’t help the attitude.   We heard this evening that it was snowing most of the afternoon in the Seattle area, and that weather always seems to head our way.   YUCK.  

