Posted by: A Mom w/Fears | October 26, 2008

Kreativ Blogger Award!

My sweet friend Leslie, from a kajillion miles away (Got Kids, Need Valium), bestowed this great award on me the other day, and I couldn’t be more excited!   We could totally be friends IRL – Ok, well even though we’ve never met, she’s the bomb!   Thank you so much Les!  🙂  I will wear it with pride!   




But along with it, I am to name 6 things that make me happy, and then pass it along (that’s what I needed to really think about).   Finally here are those things (in random order): 

  1. Holding a baby, and rocking him/her to sleep
  2. Sleeping in
  3. Spending quality time with my family
  4. Seeing my husband and daughter smile/laugh
  5. A clean house, and no laundry to do
  6. When money’s coming in, and the bills are paid!

And I am going to share this totally cool award with my friend Spoiled Mommy of My Life, My Story.  She’s a new blogger (but she can’t have that title much longer, cuz she’s doing so great fittin in).   She always makes me smile, and I have enjoyed reading her blog very much.


She’s real, and she’s funny.   And I only wish I could explain things the way she does…I always feel like I’m right there with her!   Enjoy, my Spoiled Mommy Friend!   Now hurry, go see what she’s up to today, and give her some comment love!


  1. MyHotComments

    You are soo sweet!!
    You really have made me feel so good here and I thank you so much for helping me along the way!
    Hmmm….I hear a blog coming on about my new friend!! 🙂
    Ok-so here is the newbie question…what do I do….copy it and put it on the side of my page like you did and do I pass it along as well?? Gosh-Im so new at how these things work…Im going to have to email you with more questions too.
    Thanks again girlie…as soon as I have some time to sit and update my blog, make sure you stop by!!

  2. Awwww, I left you a VERY long comment here and its not here!?!? What the??
    Hmppphhh, I guess its just telling me to get my butt writing and just post a BLOG about how wonderful you are!!
    Man, I truly am bummed that its not here…oh well…I will express my thanks another way then!! 😉
    But still…THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
    Your kindness is overwhelming!

  3. Woohoooo check out my page…left YOU something!

  4. Congrats on your award!!!

    It is so nice to read about you. We have 2 things, well, 3 in common (if you count liking my sister! lol) Our kids are about the same age!!

    I have a teenage daughter (Caitlin 17 and Chris 15 yrs)

    I’m going to add you to my page.. I’m still working on my page ~ so please forgive the dust!


  5. NICE!!! Congrats Steph!

  6. Blog clapping for you dahling! Mwah! Mwah! 😉
